Els de sisè iniciem el projecte POSTDATA Correspondències d’artista a l’escola del MACBA. Per donar el tret de sortida i per començar a conèixer de què va això del MAIL ART, hem decidit crear algunes obres d’ART POSTAL per fer-les arribar a alguns companys, germans, mestres o personal de l’escola. Durant aquestes setmanes potser en rebeu alguna de manera inesperada. Esperem que us sorprenguin i us agradin i us animem a compartir-les i a generar-ne de noves. Aquesta aventura artística tot just acaba de començar!
Dia: 27 de novembre de 2019
International Christmas Project!
EP3 is doing a new project this year! We are doing a Christmas card exchange project with a school from England, where the students are learning Spanish. We made a video in Spanish to introduce ourselves, and soon we will receive a video in English from them. Later, we are going to design Christmas cards in English and send them via mail to the other school, and they will do the same in Spanish. Here you can see our video. We are so excited to participate in this project and there is still another surprise coming up… Stay tuned!